Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Found Work in Progress Images

 I found these old images that shows my progress of creating the mold and casting. The first one shows my sculpture completely cover with plastic and the cards are use to help split the front and back.
In this image, it shows my sculpture completely cover with cement-like product. When it dries up, I cracked open the two halves (because the cement went over the cards, it took a lot longer to open it than usual), cleaned up the inside, poured the plastic in the bottom to create my statue.

Casting Body Sculpture

Here is my first try on the casting of my body sculpture. Not bad for my first try!!

After a week from my last posting, I did huge improvement. This model is now in ZBrush.

Body Sculptor Finalized

Here is the conclusion of the body sculpture that I did. I am very pleased with it and am looking forward to making the armature of the sculpture. You can find a better picture of this on my website.

Head of Blue Werebear - 1st Draft

Here's the 1st draft of a  3D model low poly of the Blue Werebear that I am making. I did the concept of creating a human head and modify to make it more bear-ish. I don't like how the sides are skinny because bear's necks are a whole lot thicker with fur. When I build the body, the neck will be improvised.


Here is my first run on my new logo. I am called the Blue Werebear and this image will be used for an animated logo that I am making. Comments are appreciated!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Full Body Sculpture 3-27-12

EEK! - mold on my model! Luckily, we have a bleach spray and it got rid of the mold. Did lots of work on the face with the help of my professor. I started to make the details on the whole body and made it look better.

Full Body Sculpture 3-16-12

Here, I started to add the details of the face and worked on the hair. I finally got the kneecap right and did some more work on the legs.

Full Body Sculpture 3-13-12

After being confident of my ribcage is, I added the breasts and made a really good edge that connects the left one with the left arm. I also blocked in the hair. The head was small compared to the body, so I had to do some modification.

Full Body Sculpture 3-9-12

Had to do some modifications. The legs look freakishly big because of where the kneecap is located. I like my back and am looking forward for working on this more.

Full Body Sculpture 3-6-12

I did big improvements on this day and I blocked in the arms. Granted that having the arms on means that it will be difficult to work around that area, but with the right tools or by just moving them, I can manage

Full Body Sculpture 3-2-12

Here are images of my work in progress. I am focused on getting the ribcage and the hips right

Friday, March 16, 2012

Starting a new Sculpture - 2-24-12

I have started a new sculpture and its a full body of a woman. I am starting to have a lot of fun with this one.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Head Sculpture Done

I am finally done with the head sculpture. I learned how to hollow it and I will do that along with firing it up. I am very proud of this and have been getting a ton of positive feedback.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sculpturing - 3rd Week

Just finished class and added a lot of folds for the eyes and cheeks. I also did work on the ears. I really like the flow of my model. Can't wait for the next class on Tuesday!

Sculpturing - 2nd Week part 2

Filled in the eyes and added muscle to neck. I still have work to do on the cheeks.

Sculpturing - 2nd Week part 1


I started to add the nose feature and sculpting the folds of the cheeks. I threw in eyeballs at the end as place-holders. I am having a lot of fun in class.

Sculpturing - 1st Week part 2

This is from the second class of the 1st week (1/20/12). In this class, I am supposed to have the shapes of the facial bones within the mass.

Sculpturing - 1st Week part 1

I am starting a sculpture of a man's face and I want to show my progress as the class goes by. This was taken during the 1st class time (1/16/12). We should have started a week before, but there was a snow storm that closed the school for the whole week. This class was focused on getting the big mass on the model.