Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pantholoth Model Update

After a week from my last posting, I did huge improvement. I added all of the armor and the seat on the creature. My favorite model that I made for it is the tusk because I really like how the strings turned out. I was told that i needed to make the edge loops be even spaced to make it look better. I did that and I definately agree. This model is now in ZBrush.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This is my final for my mythical story. As a reminder, this assignment is based on taking a mythical creature into an environment that I have designed and have a current event or something that has happened in reality be part of the background story. This is Horus, the egyptian patron god, who is being trapped in an old tree and scientists / doctors are trying to cure bird flu, which they believe Horus is infected with. I will continue to work on it but its fine for now.

Quad - Pantholoth

This is my progress with the Pantholoth that I am building for Zbrush. Its in the blocking phase and I plan to make a good low-poly stage by next week. The thing that I need to be careful of is to keep a good edge flow going on. Right now for the head, the whole thing is working but the area around the eye is breaking, so I need to fix that.

Lighting concept 2

Another concept art for my team project. This is what the scene would look like when its sunset time.

Lighting concept

here is a concept art that I whipped up for my team project. The mail focus of this is for lighting

Lighting concept

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

While reaching the end of my 1st ZBrush project, I had to start thinking of the next project. The second one is a fantasy quadruplet. I made this out of my head and used some animal resources to help refine my image

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

People Places Story 2nd draft

My second draft of the story. the character is Horus and he is trapped in the tree. the title is "Free Horus from Entanglement" - I am indicating about how birds can be entangled in trash and that they need to be free.

People Places Story

I am doing a piece that is focused on a location, taking a mythical character and having a story behind that. Here are my first sketches

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Here is a character sheet that I am in the process of working on. I really like the style and design. I had a lot of critique given to me and I will apply those feedbacks before friday, which is when this is due.